
Michigan splint (crunching splint for temporomandibular joint problems)

Most people today have a lot of stress in their private lives as well as at work. The consequences of this are often grinding or clenching of the teeth, especially at night during your sleep but also during the day.

Headaches, facial pain, a tense neck or aching teeth are just some of the symptoms that can occur. A splint can help here easily and non-invasively. A splint specially made for this purpose and individually made for the patient helps you to protect your teeth and ensures relaxation of the muscles and jaw joints. Our practice will tell you what else you can do. In some cases, physiotherapy is required in addition to a splint prescribed by a dentist. The examination for a Michigan splint is usually paid by your health insurance.

Sports protection splint

Since children and young people are less risk-aware than adults, they are particularly at risk from dental accidents when playing sports. This not only results in aesthetic losses, but is often also associated with high follow-up costs. In order to avoid this as much as possible, we offer in our practice a professional mouthguard / mouthguard that is individually adapted to the athlete and the type of sport. This so-called athlete's mouth guard is manufactured individually for you in the dental laboratory, you can also choose which color you’d like.

Fear of the dentist?

With the minimal sedation by nitrous oxide, patients who are anxious and retching can be relaxed, so that the stress level for patients and practitioners can be reduced efficiently, safely and sustainably.